Kumar Deepak
The Rio Earth Summit,1992 focused over three main aspects to bring a Global Environmental System Regime..Firstly an Earth Charter to cover a series of principles focusing at the development & protection of the environment & earth ecosystem,Secondly, Agenda 21 an intended global action plan on Sustainable Development & thirdly Developing Nations demanded a substantial increase in New Funding from Developed Nations to integrate the pace of development intended to satisfy the basic focus of Earth Charter & the Sustainable Development....
The Rio Earth Summit,1992 focused over three main aspects to bring a Global Environmental System Regime..Firstly an Earth Charter to cover a series of principles focusing at the development & protection of the environment & earth ecosystem,Secondly, Agenda 21 an intended global action plan on Sustainable Development & thirdly Developing Nations demanded a substantial increase in New Funding from Developed Nations to integrate the pace of development intended to satisfy the basic focus of Earth Charter & the Sustainable Development....
The Earth Summit
Johanusburg 2002 reaffirmed the strong commitment over the wider
implications of Sustainable Development to parten the gaps of growing
Socio-Economic disparities...This Summit talked over the linkage of
Poverty,Environment & use Natural Resources...Energy &
Sanitation were the priority area of the Johansburg outcome...This
Summit focused over the wider implications of policy design & plan
formulation to alleviate Global Poverty....This Summit broadened the
Global Partnership concept between Government, Corporates & Civil
Back to same destination
where we talked to minimize the social & economic disparity 20
years ago incepting a juvenile doctrine of Sustainable Development...We
have seen how corporate imperialists are devastating our natural
resources....We have witnessed a huge market based on carbon
economics...we started designing terms which hardly represent the
action..."Eco" & "Green" prefixes have continuously been developing
into an integral part of Global Corporate Supply-Demand
Economics....People are being disinforned about the logic of
Eco-Friendly status of a product...The debate over the feasibility
& vulnerability of Nuclear Energy & the Genetically Modified
Seeds have been the most igniting issue of the current world...We are
stressing to transfer Green Renewable Technologies to the Developing
worlds for establishing a low carbon regime...We have witnessed the
Greatest Economic Disaster in the last two decade....The Global
Economic Melt Down is a serious crisis arising out on this horizon due
to d inequitable use of Non-renewable Natural Resources...The Gap
between poor & rich is widening...Global Climate Change has
time-to-time alarmed the people & the statistics of Natural
Disaster would explore the lethal anger of nature...Last two decades
were the most devastating when we look back to analyze the intensity of
disaster...The increasing vulnerability of natural disaster tends to
adopt greater introduction of information & technological inputs
to formulate a better plan structure of Disaster Management but it
seems to collapse at ground level because of sever lapses of
cooedination between Government agencies and People...
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