Saturday, 8 December 2012


Kumar Deepak

Why is this furore of fear of the End of the World on 21-12-2012?

We started an unending race of over-exploitation of natural resources through ruining our habitat, has left the Earth into a vulnerable ecosystem…Development is the need to enhance the quality of life… Scientific Research & Development has lead the human to proud of the fact that they made their life feasible to adapt against the adversity of climate… Research & Development has started linking the biospheres & over the period of times our studies penetrated deep down the Lithosphere, spreading over the depth of Hydrosphere & launched into atmosphere…We innovated ourselves to adopt new generation technologies…Innovation in the areas of Biomedical sector, Civil-Aviation Sector, Agriculture, Animal husbandry & Forestry, Genetic Engineering, Space, Arms & Ammunition, Maritime Sector, Power Generation, Mechanical Sector, Quantum & Nuclear Science, Electronics & Communication etc. has brought a dynamic revolution to begin the socio-economic prosperity… Human beings over the period of times established themselves the most climax species of the Earth Ecology… Innovations started turning into over-ambitions…This was the phase of the transition where there started a widening socio-economic rift & there begun the darkest race of accession over the use natural resources…Economically prosperous Nations inclined to push their policies towards accessing over the Natural resources through whatever ways it didn't matter at all…Continuous Anthropogenic act of enforced development blindly ruined our biodiversity, consequently there observed a record biodiversity depletion… Blind Industrialization had developed corporate dominance that configured the world into a vulnerable Social, political & Economic Contrast… Continuous Corporate Ecological Colonialism introduced a new alignment between the Organs of the Government over the cloud of conflict between Climate Change & Natural Resources…Corporate accession over the vast natural resources was only possible through a linkage of corrupt leadership & high ambitions of generating power front all over the world…

Now the phase of ruining our natural resources has entered into its saturation & almost at the critical line of the carrying capacity of the Earth Ecosystem…We Human being have not only deteriorated our terrestrial ecosystem but we have devastated our maritime ecosystem equally…We have distorted our life style as such that we have developed “May God Bless Us” Syndrome… We have cut down the forest & the related biodiversity for mere economic gain…We have polluted our biosphere to attain the laziest indiscipline life style…

We didn't bless the wildlife & continuously involved ourselves in poaching & trafficking of such animals…Global Climate Change is a consequence of human’s over-ambitions to devastate our natural resources at its proximity on the back stage of development…Such unsustained development created Global warming & Depletion of Bio-Genetic resources…

We human have never exhibited fear while destroying our valuable natural resources…The most intelligent brain failed to assess the danger of disaster that might bring potential damage of life & economy…Developing & Under-Developed Nations are vulnerable to severe Climatic Disasters due to this anthropogenic Global Climate transition…With the due course development we couldn't develop a long term Integrated Disaster Preparedness Strategy in parallel to unsustained development process…We Human Beings cry only when the Disasters hit somewhere…

Unprecedented over-use of natural resources has still been going on with a widely varied degree of interpretations about sustainable development...We can't believe over the ethics of the existence of Mayank calender any more & this has all ready been thrown into the dustbins...but the question of mitigating such rumours has still been in the foetal phase...we still couldn't evolve such disaster preparedness mechanism...however some Nations easily learn to adopt a an Integrated model of Disaster Management like Japan & some other Nations...but I observe that Mobs in some parts of the world is itself a disaster because people are such of indiscipline behaviour that they are proud of to disseminate rumours...In India itself there happens thousands of casualty every year because of such rumours...Even I have seen the mainstream media accelerates such dis-information during nationwide telecast...

The World is under fear over an imaginary Death line of 21-12-2012…We have adopted an economic prosperity model through misutilizing our vast precious natural resources but we failed to assess the outcome of consequences in terms of rising vulnerability against the Natural & Man-made Disasters…If we developed such Disaster preparedness model, we would have been ready to cast off such furores of fear due to a rumour… Rumour Management is the corner-stone of a Disaster Preparedness Strategy…Over-come such imaginary rumour based on disinformation would have been eliminated out if we would have developed a proper Disaster management Model…


Tuesday, 21 February 2012


The 141-hectare Ansupa Lake is a horseshoe shaped fresh water lake on the left bank of the river Mahanadi , opposite Banki sub-dividision in Cuttack district, Odisha ,India. It is bounded by Saranda hills on the western side and Bishnupur hills on its northern side, part of eastern Ghat region and enclosed by bamboo tree greenery and mango trees. This lake has assumed international importance, as it is home to several migratory birds from far Siberia, Europe etc in the wintry weather season (until recent past) as well as domiciled birds.
 According to the inland wetlands of India report, there were 11,860 individuals from 42 bird species The lake is of national importance due to its unique bio diversity character. The Ansupa Lake is declared a Community Reserve according to the amendment made in the Wildlife Protection Act (1972) in 2003. Nearby Saranda Hill was a home for many animals like peacocks, boars etc. Now the Hill has turned bald due to tree felling. Peacocks have vanished. Lake is fast buried with soil erosion form the hill. Due to various environmental degradations like siltation, decrease in flow circulation of water, closer of inlet and outlet mechanism of flow of water, highly entropic condition, weed infestation, the lake is degrading very fast threatening the eco system. As a result, the fishery and tourism potentials were adversely affected. A recent study of 2007, done using Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite has indicated that about 30% of the total 317 ha lake area has been completely occupied for agriculture, while nearly aquatic weeds infest 12%. Heavy exploitation of vegetation from the nearby hills accompanied with siltation, increased growth of water hyacinth, and algae are turning the lake into a swamp. Reclamation of land for fishing and agriculture is going unhindered, making the situation worsened. Both the lake and the hill are dying.
 Realizing the importance of conserving the lake, the State Govt. has initiated an Integrated Sustainable Environmental Management Program. Let people come up for conservation of the beautiful lake.

Premananda Mohanty

Monday, 20 February 2012


                             Deep into the depths of the  ocean , the nostalgic blue water of the ocean , as we go more into the depths of the vast ocean and unravel deep mysteries hidden within the sea , truly mother nature is a real artist Its creations are all original copies with no duplicates , the basic real truth behind mother natures art , is they are one time creations , as we travel into the vast depth of the ocean , u find a trail of light colored fishes passing through your eyes in a straight line , followed by the turtle and the big fishes , as u come up the ocean u find splashes of water opps it’s a big whale which just had passed through , what a magnificent world in itself , not to mention the blue whales as well the magnificent and adorable dolphins making a great jump into the ocean, as if they are dancing to a great music of Beethoven’s , it’s a real beauty watching the ocean , the cool winds , the sound of the boats and the ship in the middle of the vast ocean , Suddenly as you forget yourself into the depth of the ocean admiring the creations of mother nature , as u pass through the long journey within the sea , u observe a fish trapped in a plastic and fighting for life , and we ignore it as there is a million fishes down within the ocean if one dies who cares , all of a sudden u realized your legs trapped within a reef , and u try to fight the hell out of your life to come of the reef , you desperately try , nor mobile phone nor the super technologies where connectivity is established within a second come to your help , but some how or the other we save ourself from the trap , Luckly  the good god  has given us hands which could be used to save ourself , but think of the fish which trapped who has no hands , thinking all the way good lord I was just watching a documentary film on the tv, come to think about are we really disposing the plastics in a right and possible way.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Water Pollution

By Alka Mohanty
What is water pollution?

Water pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change in the quality of water that has a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks or uses or lives (in) it. When humans drink polluted water it often has serious effects on their health. Water pollution can also make water unsuited for the desired use.

What are the major water pollutants?

There are several classes of water pollutants. The first are disease-causing agents. These are bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms that enter sewage systems and untreated waste.

A second category of water pollutants is oxygen-demanding wastes; wastes that can be decomposed by oxygen-requiring bacteria. When large populations of decomposing bacteria are converting these wastes it can deplete oxygen levels in the water. This causes other organisms in the water, such as fish, to die.A third class of water pollutants is water-soluble inorganic pollutants, such as acids, salts and toxic metals. Large quantities of these compounds will make water unfit to drink and will cause the death of aquatic life.Another class of water pollutants are nutrients; they are water-soluble nitrates and phosphates that cause excessive growth of algae and other water plants, which deplete the water's oxygen supply. This kills fish and, when found in drinking water, can kill young children.Water can also be polluted by a number of organic compounds such as oil, plastics and pesticides, which are harmful to humans and all plants and animals in the water.A very dangerous category is suspended sediment, because it causes depletion in the water's light absorption and the particles spread dangerous compounds such as pesticides through the water.Finally, water-soluble radioactive compounds can cause cancer, birth defects and genetic damage and are thus very dangerous water pollutants.

Where does water pollution come from?

Water pollution is usually caused by human activities. Different human sources add to the pollution of water. There are two sorts of sources, point and nonpoint sources. Point sources discharge pollutants at specific locations through pipelines or sewers into the surface water. Nonpoint sources are sources that cannot be traced to a single site of discharge.Examples of point sources are: factories, sewage treatment plants, underground mines, oil wells, oil tankers and agriculture.Examples of nonpoint sources are: acid deposition from the air, traffic, pollutants that are spread through rivers and pollutants that enter the water through groundwater.Nonpoint pollution is hard to control because the perpetrators cannot be traced.

How do we detect water pollution?

Water pollution is detected in laboratories, where small samples of water are analysed for different contaminants. Living organisms such as fish can also be used for the detection of water pollution. Changes in their behaviour or growth show us, that the water they live in is polluted. Specific properties of these organisms can give information on the sort of pollution in their environment. Laboratories also use computer models to determine what dangers there can be in certain waters. They import the data they own on the water into the computer, and the computer then determines if the water has any impurities.

What is heat pollution, what causes it and what are the dangers?

In most manufacturing processes a lot of heat originates that must be released into the environment, because it is waste heat. The cheapest way to do this is to withdraw nearby surface water, pass it through the plant, and return the heated water to the body of surface water. The heat that is released in the water has negative effects on all life in the receiving surface water. This is the kind of pollution that is commonly known as heat pollution or thermal pollution.The warmer water decreases the solubility of oxygen in the water and it also causes water organisms to breathe faster. Many water organisms will then die from oxygen shortages, or they become more susceptible to diseases.

What is eutrophication, what causes it and what are the dangers?

Eutrophication means natural nutrient enrichment of streams and lakes. The enrichment is often increased by human activities, such as agriculture (manure addition). Over time, lakes then become eutrophic due to an increase in nutrients.Eutrophication is mainly caused by an increase in nitrate and phosphate levels and has a negative influence on water life. This is because, due to the enrichment, water plants such as algae will grow extensively. As a result the water will absorb less light and certain aerobic bacteria will become more active. These bacteria deplete oxygen levels even further, so that only anaerobic bacteria can be active. This makes life in the water impossible for fish and other organisms.

What is acid rain and how does it develop?

*Typical rainwater has a pH of about 5 to 6. This means that it is naturally a neutral, slightly acidic liquid. During precipitation rainwater dissolves gasses such as carbon dioxide and oxygen. The industry now emits great amounts of acidifying gasses, such as sulphuric oxides and carbon monoxide. These gasses also dissolve in rainwater. This causes a change in pH of the precipitation – the pH of rain will fall to a value of or below 4. When a substance has a pH of below 6.5, it is acid. The lower the pH, the more acid the substance is. That is why rain with a lower pH, due to dissolved industrial emissions, is called acid rain.

Why does water sometimes smell like rotten eggs?

When water is enriched with nutrients, eventually anaerobic bacteria, which do not need oxygen to practice their functions, will become highly active. These bacteria produce certain gasses during their activities. One of these gases is hydrogen sulphide. This compounds smells like rotten eggs. When water smells like rotten eggs we can conclude that there is hydrogen present, due to a shortage of oxygen in the specific water...


By Alka Mohanty

Causes of water pollution - what can we do?
 So what can we do to reduce some of these causes of water pollution?

Water pollution is an issue which needs good co-ordination between government bodies and other public authorities to solve. More causes of water pollution seem to emerge year on year!

But there are a few things we can do at home.*

Here are a few suggestions for ways to prevent water pollution from domestic sources.

Preventing domestic causes of water pollution

Always dispose of chemicals such as unwanted oil, petrol or household cleaners in the proper manner. Many chemicals are unsuitable for flushing down the sink; local sewage systems are not always able to cope with domestic chemicals.

If in doubt as to how to dispose of any chemicals, consult your local authority.

Do your best to avoid chemical spills and sort out leaks (such as from domestic fuel oil) as quickly as possible.

Avoid using pesticides and other garden chemicals as far as possible. If you must use them, dispose of unused remains according to the recommendations on the packaging.

Always select environmentally-friendly products over other commercial products where possible. For example, practically all domestic cleaning jobs can be tackled using environmentally-friendly products and many personal care products such as skin creams and shampoos have eco-friendly versions which are usually far better for your health, too. See "Natural Household Cleaners" for more on green cleaning techniques and products

Even food causes water pollution; it absorbs oxygen in water. Avoid pouring fats and other food wastes down the sink. Use composting instead if possible. Bokashi composters can cope with fats and even meat products. See "A Bokashi Kitchen Composter" for more on Bokashi composting

Protecting your family from the effects of water pollution

There is not much you can do (in the short term) to stop the local farmer from using chemical fertilisers on his or her land. All the other industrial causes of water pollution are largely outside of our control, too. These problems are clearly political in scope. In order to effect change political lobbying and action are needed. This website is non-political but there are plenty of organisations which are campaigning for more effective controls on polluters. Please consult the links page for pointers.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Corporate-Carbon- Consumers, An axial paradox:Green Economics,a probable resolution

Kumar Deepak

"Corporate-Carbon-Consumer" has been the design of Global economy since last 20yrs after the first ever Earth Summit,1992...Corporate Houses use carbon as a resource substrate & its substance of global carbon concern has effectively been sold out into market as a "Low carbon Eco-Friendly Product.."Developed World n some of the most powerful developing economies stand unrest n unresolved to cut down d carbon emission,assisted an opportunity to Corporate world to grow a great Carbon Economy...The Great Global Carbon Politics had drifted d basic meaning of sustainable development...The Government of the respective Nation became d biggest Corporate Customer....Corporate accession over the Government induced a Great Carbon Market which... simultaneously shifted to Corporate Imperialism...Last 20yrs witnessed the chains of greatest natural disaster despite of Global acceptance of Sustainable Development Model...World witnessed the Global Economic melt down despite of wider international economic reforms..
We are heading to achieve Zero Carbon Draft in Reo+20.Its not been a new concept to bring socially inclusive economy within a broader economic framework to work on a policy formulation to parten d socio-economic rift.We have seen how Global... economy paralyzed even after wider International liberalization n globalization regime.Ecological causes have suddenly been standing up as a Model framework for d Green Economics.We need an accountable Corporate Environmental Responsibility to bring better transition...
I welcome d Rio+20 Zero Carbon Draft but I am suspicious about what happened after the first ever Earth Summit...We have been writing pages n pages of drafts n documents papers since last 20years...There has been going on a tight competition to innovate new n unique terminologies for the Green world...We have seen how Green House Gases(GHGs) entered into a Global Warming,shifted later on into Global Climate Change...Carbon-Di-Oxide started shaping into a classic currency generator for the corporate house..
Political gatherings started discussing to reduce carbon emission embarked a new global political dimension to induce greater corporate partnership to tackle the carbon crisis.Corporate houses started their management skills to innovate new design of carbon prefix & suffix to give a better glance to the world carbon market through generating demands by introducing low carbon eco friendly product.Carbon neutral,carbon footprinting,Zero Carbon,Carbon credit,No-to-CO2 etc. became a Carbon Management Practice.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Local News papers coverage ICC obsevred by ND

Local News papers coverage
ICC obsevred by Nature Drive[Year-2011]
 International Coastal Cleanup Day observed by Nature Drive at five different Beaches of Odisha ( Bay of Bengal ) inspired Globally by "Ocean Conservancy" & supported in India by "Indian Maritime Foundation" on 22 Oct. 2011 at Paradip Sea Beach , Siali Beach , Bandara ( Malamarichpur ) , Konark (Chandrabhaga ) Sea Beach & Puri Sea Beach more than 1600 volunteers from different schools & colleges Participated in the event .
Please CLICK on image to ENLARGE

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Coastal Cleaning by Nature Drive

Local News papers coverage
ICC obsevred by Nature Drive[Year-2010]
 News paper coverage about the observation of International Coastal Clean-Up By Nature Drive on 25 Sep 2010 at two different Beaches of Odisha , Paradip Sea Beach & Siali Beach ( Bay of Bengal ) INDIA . More than 750 participants from different walks of life with school & collage students participated in the event & awareness seminar organised by Nature Drive .
Please CLICK on image to ENLARGE


INTERNATIONAL COASTAL CLEAN-UP DAY observed by NATURE DRIVE at five different Beaches of Odisha (Bay Of Bengal) on date October 22, 2011. More than 900 volunteers participated in the event from schools and collages. Nature Drive organised coastal clean-up with awareness lectures at Sea Beach of Paradip (Biju Maidan ) , Siali (a tourist spot , Balikuda Ersama ), Malamrichpur Bandara (Ershama) , Puri Sea Beach & konark (Chandrabhaga ) Sea Beach .More than 1600 participants joined their hands to make the event successful...

Monday, 30 January 2012

Why Reuse and Recycle ?

Imagine when we throw plastic bottles at sea or in oceans , we forget there exist many lifes deep within the sea , who has a different world of there own , and when plastics enter the mouth of the fish , shark or else a whale etc , we forget one way or the other they do not have hands like us to practically remove from there mouth , imagine standing on a clean road and rain falling from the sky
what do we do , we look for a shelter , and start saying o this sky it does not stop raining , but since its clean water falling from the sky we even take the pleasure of getting drenched in the rain forgetting the after effects of cold and fever , imagine instead of rain it would have been thrash then the first question comes into mind from where does it come , need to do something to stop it , 
Since we are advanced in thought , amongst others we can decide to do something , or rather to find a solution to the problem , but just give a thought to those who live deep in the seas , when they get strangled in the plastics and all !
By D Vinod Kumar
By Evita Floin:
I totally agree, we have a brain, a mind, a soul and a heart to prevent these horible things to happen to other living beings and we have a brain, a mind, a soul, a heart to feel COMPASSION and two hands to clean up the mess we do make. We have the communication skills and all the tools to solve the problems we do create. it is our destiny to protect our planet and all living creatures on it. If we just turn a blind eye and bury our heads in the sand then the future looks grim... If we join hands and hearts in this global battle and join forces, minds and souls, then I truely believe we can all make a difference together... and we SHOULD... Never give up and never underestimate the value of your actions however great or small (positive AND negative)... I wish you all an inspiring week on the 'battle field' :) ♥

Sunday, 29 January 2012


INTERNATIONAL COASTAL CLEAN-UP DAY observed by  NATURE DRIVE at five different beaches of Odisha

on date October 22, 2011. More than 900 volunteers participated in the event from schools and collages. Nature Drive organised  coastal clean-up with awareness lectures at sea beach of Paradip (Biju Maidan ) , Siali (a turist spot , Balikuda Ersama ), Malamrichpur Bandara (Ershama) , Puri beach & konark (Chandrabhaga ) beach .More than 1600 participants joined there hands to make the event successful...


 Nature Drive advocates for community participation for plastic waste reduction and recycling. Cities around the world struggle to manage waste generated by growing populations that consume, and discard, more each year.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Efforts That Counts Slideshow Slideshow

Efforts That Counts Slideshow Slideshow: TripAdvisor™ TripWow ★ Efforts That Counts Slideshow Slideshow ★ to Parādīp Garh (near Paradeep). Stunning free travel slideshows on TripAdvisor

Friday, 27 January 2012

Nature , You , Me and The Universe

It  all started with a day , the beautiful sun , the trees with there evergreen colour , to welcome a good morning to everybody , as the day passed off the the days was taken over by the night , the moon and the stars taking positons to guide us with a ray of light to show the paths , natures beauty is uncomparable as its a simple master piece created by god , the only difference being is we are a part of the creativity along with the trees and animals ,where as in the static art created by us we can read and see the painting , therefore how lucky we are to be a part of these universe , therefore it becomes our right atleast for a second to save nature , conserve nature , therfore its time to act , save and preserve , atleast for us and for the future generations , imagine a dolphin  in the sea , the turtles , the penquins , the blue whales , the sea lion all beautiful creatures of nature why,hope a day come when we have to use the internet to find out how does a whale or a mountain look like ,

therfore the first basic concept
lets go green

By D Vinod Kumar

Green Economics,a Gateway to Social Justice;Dilemma or Paradox

 Kumar Deepak

The Rio Earth Summit,1992 focused over three main aspects to bring a Global Environmental System Regime..Firstly an Earth Charter to cover a series of principles focusing at the development & protection of the environment & earth ecosystem,Secondly, Agenda 21 an intended global action plan on Sustainable Development & thirdly Developing Nations demanded a substantial increase in New Funding from Developed Nations to integrate the pace of development intended to satisfy the basic focus of Earth Charter & the Sustainable Development....

The Earth Summit Johanusburg 2002 reaffirmed the strong commitment over the wider implications of Sustainable Development to parten the gaps of growing Socio-Economic disparities...This Summit talked over the linkage of Poverty,Environment & use Natural Resources...Energy & Sanitation were the priority area of the Johansburg outcome...This Summit focused over the wider implications of policy design & plan formulation to alleviate Global Poverty....This Summit broadened the Global Partnership concept between Government, Corporates & Civil Society...

Back to same destination where we talked to minimize the social & economic disparity 20 years ago incepting a juvenile doctrine of Sustainable Development...We have seen how corporate imperialists are devastating our natural resources....We have witnessed a huge market based on carbon economics...we started designing terms which hardly represent the action..."Eco" & "Green" prefixes have continuously been developing into an integral part of Global Corporate Supply-Demand Economics....People are being disinforned about the logic of Eco-Friendly status of a product...The debate over the feasibility & vulnerability of Nuclear Energy & the Genetically Modified Seeds have been the most igniting issue of the current world...We are stressing to transfer Green Renewable Technologies to the Developing worlds for establishing a low carbon regime...We have witnessed the Greatest Economic Disaster in the last two decade....The Global Economic Melt Down is a serious crisis arising out on this horizon due to d inequitable use of  Non-renewable Natural Resources...The Gap between poor & rich is widening...Global Climate Change has time-to-time alarmed the people & the statistics of Natural Disaster would explore the lethal anger of nature...Last two decades were the most devastating when we look back to analyze the intensity of disaster...The increasing vulnerability of natural disaster tends to adopt greater introduction of  information & technological inputs to formulate a better plan structure of Disaster Management but it seems to collapse at ground level because of sever lapses of cooedination between Government agencies and People...

Third Earth Summit is set to commence in June this year with the aim to introduce Green Economics & Green Governance based on socially inclusive low carbon regime....The Zero carbon Draft has been made public...Earth Summit agenda is focussing to generate Global Employment by introducing a low carbon use economics with the larger Corporate indulgence & policy design to have a greater Public-Private Partnership to deal with the use & transfer of Green Renewable Technologies...Green Economics would be a better option when such Corporate structure will come to support traditional Green & Clean crafts...How Green Governance would accompany with the Corporate Environmental Responsibility to lessen the possibility of  further expanding Corporate Environmental Colonialism?????How this Green Economics would work to parten the widening bridge of Socio-economic drift in Poor Nations???How the Corporate sectors would ensure the Consumers to provide low cost accessible products to common people????how the Supply-Demand Economics would go further to break the jinx of dilemma n paradox of common poor masses so far being deceived on the name of eco-friendly brands & astonishing diplomacy of glamorous & attractive advertisements??????????????   

Recycle !

By Alka Mohanty

Why Is Recycling Important / What is recycling?

Recycling is the process of separating, collecting and remanufacturing or converting used or waste products into new materials. The recycling process involves a series of steps to produce new products.

Recycling helps extend the life and usefulness of something that has already served its initial purpose by producing something that is useable. Recycling has a lot of benefits and importance not only to us humans but especially to our planet.

What materials can be recycled?

Almost everything we see around us can be recycled. Different materials require different techniques when recycled. Recyclable materials commonly include batteries, biodegradable waste, clothing, electronics, garments, glass, metals, paper, plastics and a lot more.

What are the stages of the recycling process?

The recycling process is a cycle and is composed of three stages. The first stage is the collecting and sorting. In this stage, waste materials are collected and then processed and sorted according to its type and use. After these materials are sorted, they are ready for the second stage, which is the manufacturing.

The manufacturing stage is the phase where the collected and sorted materials are processed into new reusable products. Finally, after new products are manufactured, the next stage follows which is the selling of the recycled products to consumers. When the product that the consumers bought already served its purpose, the recycling process will then again continue as these products are collected.

Why is recycling important?

Recycling has a lot of benefits that can help people and save the environment as well. Its importance can be observed in many different ways. Here are some great reasons why recycling is important:

Recycling Saves the Earth
Recycling different products will help the environment. For example, we know that paper comes from trees and many trees are being cut down just to produce paper. By recycling it, we can help lessen the number of trees that are cut down. Products made from raw materials that came from our natural resources should be recycled so that we can help preserve the environment.

Recycling Saves Energy
It takes less energy to process recycled materials than to process virgin materials. For example, it takes a lot less energy to recycle paper than to create new paper from trees. The energy from transporting virgin materials from the source is also saved. Saving energy also has its own benefits like decreasing pollution. This creates less stress on own health and our economy.

Recycling Helps Mitigate Global Warming and Reduce Pollution
By saving energy in industrial production through recycling, the greenhouse gas emissions from factories and industrial plants are lessened and the use of fuels that emit harmful gasses during production is also minimized. Recycling non-biodegradable waste (rather then burning it) will contribute a lot to help reduce air pollution and greenhouse gasses that depletes the ozone layer.

Recycling Reduces Waste Products in Landfills
Landfills are mostly composed of non-biodegradable waste which takes long time to decompose. By recycling, we can lessen the waste materials that are placed into landfills and we are able to make the most out of these materials. If we don’t recycle, more and more garbage will go to landfills until they all get filled up. If that happens, where will the rubbish be placed? How would you like a land fill in you backyard?

There are many companies out there that help reduce the problem of overfilling landfills by offering options (like ink cartridges) that make sense. When consumers seek out companies that have established green practices, like Carrot Ink, the consumer wins by not only helping the environment but also by saving money.

Recycling Helps you Save Money
Recycling provides ways to save money. You can sell recyclable materials to organizations that are willing to buy it. Using products that are recycled lessens expenses. Products that are made from recycled materials are less expensive than products made from fresh materials.

At home, you can recycle biodegradable waste like eggshells, vegetable and fruit peelings and use them to fertilize plants. By doing a little research and getting creative you can save money and trips to the market while being kind to the planet.

As the population of the world increases recycling is becoming increasingly more important. Our technologically advanced societies are creating more and products and packaging that look good and are indestructible, but can take centuries to break down.

In order to combat the rise of factors that are produced by non-environmentally conscious groups, it is up to the growing numbers of individuals and companies that want to inhabit a healthier planet to make a difference.

Nothing like worthless may valuable to some people!

by D Vinod Kumar

1. Old bricks, worthless? No, those bricks can be recycled, and are very valuable to some people!

2. Use reclaimed wood for your next project at home. Use your own, at your local transfer station, or

3. There are many places you can exchange or recycle your old electronics.
4. Sell off or post an ad for free metal scrap to be recycled.
5. If you have enough, your old VHS tapes can be recycled
6. Packing tape and stickers cannot be recycled, so use these sparingly in the first place.
7. Tools are very valuable items on eBay. Try selling them in lots to save time, shipping waste, and energy.
8. Empty propane tanks may be able to be taken as scrap metal, or properly disposed of at hazardous waste facilities. Reuse these whenever you can!
9. Even large items like BBQ grills can be recycled as scrap metal once the propane tank has been removed.
10. Kids toys have a new life when they're donated
11. Recycle your old prescription bottles, they have a million uses.
12. After they've been used up, recycle your old batteries.
13. How about other plastic numbers, what do those mean? You may be able to recycle some of them.
14. Flip flops can be recycled and repurposed a number of creative and unique ways.
15. Can't figure out what to do with your old lamps, wall decor, or knick knacks? If you can't eBay them, donate them to a thrift store for charity purposes. Craigslist and Kijiji are good alternatives, too.
16. Recycle your shipping styrofoam or reuse it.
17. Window treatments have the chance to live again as you recycle your curtains into pillows.
18. Carpet can be recycled if it is clean and usable.
19. Donate it, sell it, or recycle your television.
20. Stop by an Aveda location to recycle your bottle caps.
21. aluminum still reuse it a few times by giving it a cleaning.
22. Reuse your old jeans in these 25 ingenious methods.
23. Why trash it? Your shower curtain is a great drop cloth or apron.
24. Your ink cartridges are accepted at many different locations online and in person, like Staples.
25. You might be able to trade in your old printer for a credit on a new one. They'll recycle it for you. There's always earth911, too.
26. Tires are a must to be recycled, and it's very easy.
27. Learn how you can recycle your roof shingles to become part of our roads.
28. Make sure when installing a new car battery that the mechanic will recycle it.
29. Cardboard boxes can be taken at your local recycling station, or sent curbside if they're small enough in most instances.
30. Save your old packing peanuts and recycle them by giving them to your local shipping company. They will gladly take them off your hands.
31. Your gently used clothing can be resold on eBay, or donated.
32. Good news! #5 plastics can be recycled at many Whole Foods locations.
33. Potato chip bags and those other foil packaging that often are used to wrap up junk food can be recycled at
34. Used (many times) ziploc containers and similar disposable plasticware can be recycled usually as #1 plastics.
35. Shaving cream metal cans are accepted in most recycling facilities with other metal cans.
36. Can tabs can be recycled with your cans. Don't pull them off, that kidney dialysis machine time rumor is false.
37. You couldn't have enough options to recycle your cellphone
38. Blankets can be recycled by donating them to animal shelters (if clean).
39. Recycle your own scrap wood and furniture by reusing it, or donate it.
40. Save that box and make some Pizza box art, or maybe just recycle it if you follow these instructions.
41. Mattresses, aerosol cans, even washing machines can be recycled.
42. Bread twist ties will be your new best friend after you read these creative uses.
43. Reading glasses can be recycled and donated, and are always in demand.
44. Old books can be sold on Amazon, donated to thrift stores, donated to schools, and to hospitals. There's always the yard sale option, too.
45. Freecycle your old sports equipment.
46. Did you know your old aluminum siding could be worth a lot of money?
47. Your old greeting cards can even be recycled creatively.
48. Wrapping paper is just paper and has many ways to be reused or recycled.
49. Don't forget all types of glass bottles can be recycled -- wine bottles, jelly jars, colored glass... these are all accepted at most recycling facilities.
50. Your old screened doors have many ways that they can be recycled.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Video-Nature Drive's Two Hands 30 Minutes Project

Video-REduce REuse REcycle


Golden jubilee Celebration of 50th Glorious Years cerebrated by Paradip Port trust at the wet basin of Paradip with high profile Guest & Delegates . Garlands of Balloons used to decorate the meeting hall . ALL people seem to forget about cleaning up their mess at the end of the day. This might explain why the Marine Conservation Society determined that there has been 260% increase in shore balloon pollution. We worried to think about its consequence on our marine lives & we hv planed to reach here next morning …